Also, in the 50s, cancer researchers started using hyperbaric oxygen therapy wherein the patient inhales 100% oxygen under pressure while inside a hyperbaric chamber. In the 1950s, several German doctors began using ozone to treat cancer. Ozone was first used in 1915 by Albert Wolff, a German doctor, to treat patients with skin diseases. The 20th century established the use of oxygen in medicine and surgery, as well as intravenous injection of oxygen and oral inhalations of oxygen for therapeutic purposes. Throughout the rest of the 19th century, super-oxygenation and inhalation of oxygen gas were recognized as having therapeutic value in dealing with disease. Birch, M.D, suggesting that a diseased patient required “more oxygen than he could possibly obtain under many circumstances and in many diseased states from the atmosphere around him.” He went on to write about oxygen possibly being a powerful therapeutic agent, but the medical profession was not ready to accept oxygen as medicine due to lack of trials on a sufficient scale. Oxygen Therapy became known for being useful in treating cases of nervous debility, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, and scrophula. Daniel Hill, a surgeon and one of the early advocates of oxygen therapy.

In 1820, observations on the use of oxygen in the cure of diseases were published by Dr.

The results of the therapy were published. Caillens treated his female patient with daily inhalations of oxygen and succeeded in curing her of tuberculosis. The first case where oxygen therapy was administered was in 1783 when Dr. What is Oxygen Therapy? Oxygen Therapy is a term that refers to a variety of practices in which oxygen, ozone, or hydrogen peroxide are administered for therapeutic purposes. Because oxygen makes up such a large percentage of our body, when we become deficient in oxygen, we become ill because the body cannot defend itself from germs, bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. This book simplifies all diseases as being caused by an oxygen deficiency. As my research continues for Natural Cancer Cures and treatments, it was a pleasure to read a book entitled, “The One-Minute Cure” - By Madison Cavanaugh.